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Your Tutoring Post-Launch Workshop

8 Letters for the Successful Post-Launch of Your Tutoring Business

Your tutoring business has launched! You are ready to be on the rise in your business however you have some questions that, if answered, will make the difference between mediocre gains and a successful boom.



What are your post-launch success goals?

Do you want an abundance of successful referrals and testimonials?

Do you want an ideal business network to expand your business?

Who would make your dream business partners?

Are you ready to hire and train tutors?




Let’s work out these questions and others together toward the successful foundational post-launch of your tutoring business.

During our tutor post-launch workshop, we will cover the following:

  • Setting up your amazing system for referrals and testimonials

  • Key steps for successful networking

  • Identifying and developing important joint ventures 

  • Learning strategies for hiring and training your tutors

  • Ways to reduce post-launch business stress 

During our tutor post-launch workshop, you will receive:

  • Your 8 Letters for the Successful Post-Launch of Your Tutoring Business Workbook which includes case studies and key steps

  • Key post-launch success activities

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